Friday, February 12, 2010

HCAP Day 5

I love the microfinance lecture delivered by the Keynote Speaker today.

Her work area is very provocative in a sense that she manages to measure how effective is Micro-finance. This is exactly what we are looking for when talking about the social impact index, ways to measure the social change. I'm definitely inspired by the research methodology. Except for a few common imperfections that the survey inherent, for example, the willingness of the surveyees, language barrier and cultural differences when talking about business and happiness level. In retrospect, I felt that the speaker has been pessimistic towards micro-credit concept. I am not sure if she had any pre-conclusion before conducting the survey that might lead to biased setting of survey questions, I still felt quite reluctant to accept that micro-credit did not help the people in terms of improving their education and medication.

I also find the Charter School presentation a memorable event. As I had some little disagreement with one of my group members on the mission statement of the school. She told me at last minute that she disagrees with the entire group effort. I was quite shocked at her claim and thought that every one came to consensus yesterday when discussing about the mission and general direction of the school. It was an awkward moment for both of us and I just wanted to get it done and over with. The presentation went well in the end, I'm glad that the group delivered the work well. Yung Hei's group won the final prize, not surprising and I still see alot of resemblance of Singapore education policies in his group's school model. What else can I say? I guess we are blessed to have a great education system, with good intention, on paper.

The Prom went well, I had fun dressing up with my dearest host Sorina. We were freezing to death in the cold, but having great fun.

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